Star 5 - The sexiest font is only five bucks!

Congratulations! You've just downloaded
my latest creation, Star 5! Guaranteed to
cause girls to flock to your computer like
crazy! And if you like Star 5, you can
get it and tons more at Chlorine...

Star 5 is not free, but shareware. If
you like the font and can afford to register
it, it'll cost ya 5 bucks. Pretty cheap eh? Send
cash (or check) to:

Jesse Wilson
3647 Hanna Bay
Regina Saskatchewan
S4S 7C9 Canada

Everyone who registers the font will
have the opportunity to get more Chlorine
fonts either free or cheap!

Thanks again!

J m //// m
E ( ) [o-o] ( ) email...
S ( ',--._\-/_,--.' )
S \___ ___ ___/ web.....
E ( \J/ )
W \ " / phone... (306)584-8952
I |-:-|
L | | | stamp... Jesse Wilson
S | | | 3647 Hanna Bay
O ,-'"|"'-. Regina Saskatchewan
N """" """" S4S 7C9 Canada